Monday, December 22, 2014

Bill Cosby and Sexual Abuse

With all the women coming forward to claim  they were sexually abused by Bill Cosby, I think it is time to address this important issues. One in every four women will be sexually abused sometime in their life. I am one of those woman! I was sexually abused by my father, a neighbor, two priests, a dentist and two bosses. My story is in the book "Stepping Outside the Secrets: A Spiritual Journey from Sexual Abuse to Inner Peace."

For many years I held the secret of my abuse locked tight in my heart, just like the women who were abused by Cosby. Now is the time for women to step out and share those painful, hidden secrets so they can heal. Often we don't tell anyone for we carry the guilt rather than the perpetrator. Complete healing cannot take place unless we come to the realization that we are the victims. I urge women who have been sexually abused as a child or adult to come forward, share the story of your abuse with others, be it your partner, a parent, a friend, therapist, pastor or rabbi. Break the secret and free yourself.